Let's start with an assumption I have regarding us Admins…
- We only believe we know our Users‘ needs, what‘s best for them and for our Applications. We never actually verified our hypothesis on a grander scale. Really, we don‘t actually have a clue what‘s going on in our Users‘ minds nor in our applications. -
Anybody triggered yet? Good! That means there is at least some truth to it. If not, I'll just speak for myself then.
A lot of the tools we use are central to our everyday work. Whether it is our knowledge management, Email client, Communication or task management tool. Improving these tools and saving each person just a minute a day, quickly accumulates to ~ 100 hours a year total (200 work days * 300 employees) for our medium sized company. I am responsible for all Atlassian tools at viadee and the Cloud Migration was one of these improvements - or so we thought. If you've checked out my article on our grand migration success (or was it?), you'll know that we could have done much better on considering our users' needs.
Research shows that user participation & Change Management is one of the top key factors in an IT project's success. So why aren't we doing more of that?
As a matter of fact, we've got a lot to learn from our Users: We can find out about current usage, use cases and what features are missing in their daily work. They will tell us all about their expectations, requirements and unfulfilled wishes - whether we like it or not.
Also, only they know what new Feature Rollouts are actually relevant to them and their work.
That is A LOT! Assuming we acquired all that knowledge already, we would know our key (& friendly) users and use them for testing, we could build Roadmaps, plan for changes and build trainings that suit their needs. One more thing, that even the Management will love, is optimising costs: we no longer need to buy Plugins & extensions or new tools that aren't being used in the end, only pay for licenses that are nessecary and will be able to build strong Business Cases because we can finally measure the expected value more accurately.
Sounds great - “but how do we get there?”, you may ask.
While there are several methods that don't require *talking* to your users, the most effective way to figure out their needs is indeed asking them about it. I know, that's unfortunate and certainly not efficient but nessecary.
While I won't share all my knowledge in this blog post (that's what my corresponding presentation is for - hit me up if I should talk about this at your event!), I will share my biggest secret:
"How" and "Why".
No, that wasn't a question to you all. It's just two of the most powerful words when it comes to Requirements Analysis.
Let's imagine I, Rebekka (R) , administer a Confluence site and want to find out more about what Anna (A) thinks and needs. (This example however could be replaced with any other tool really).
Rebekka: Let's talk about the Confluence search. Anna: I don't like it.
R: Yet you use it anyway.
A: Yes.
R: Why do you use the search even though you don't like it?
A: I need to find things.
R: Why do you need the search to do that?
A: Because the contents aren't stored in a clear structure.
R: Why is that?
A: We don't have restrictions or specifications on how to structure our spaces.
R: Why are there none?
A: Nobody is responsible to create these restrictions.
R: Let's get back to the search. How do you use the search.
A: (What a stupid question..) I simply type in a word.
R: How do you use the search bar specifically?
A: I type a word in the input field and click search?
R: I guess you heard of filters? How do you use those?
A: Not at all.
R: How else do you find specific contents then?
Do you see the way I utilised “How”- and “Why”-questions to change the level of abstraction in the conversation?
"Why" will move you further away from the original question, giving you a broader understanding of the topic. We found out, that the search isn't the actual problem. It's rather how contents are stored and more so a lack of standard. People just don't know where to look for it. So we need to tackle these issues first before we invest further in the tool itself.
"How", on the other hand, will get you more details - up to the point where you're getting more or less the same answer to your how-question. That’s when you know there are no more details to be told.
Obviously the example is constucted and it would feel unnatural in real life but you get the gist. If you use the two words (or similar question words) together with other clever questions in the right setting, you'll walk out the conversation much more knowledgeable than when you entered it.
Use that knowledge to improve your company's tools and it will not only make your users happier but also your life easier. Tried and tested it myself :)
Still with me? Fab! I love to talk all about good question & content users and will gladly speak at your event about it. The next opportunity to listen to my talk is the Navigate.
Also, this is only Part 1 of the “Good question” series, so stay tuned for the next parts OR contact me to get info on our “Good question” - training.
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